Yoga quotes on love can help you find an inner center, focus on your breathing, and relax during a yoga pose.
Some yoga practicioners like to say quotes before a session or afterwards to guide them. Whatever your choice, quotes are a great way for yogis to get in the right frame of mind.
Find a quote that inspires you using the list below.
- Yoga Quotes on Love: The List
- 1. Eckhart Tolle
- 2. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
- 3. Gandhi
- 4. The Dalai Lama
- 5. Judith Hanson Lasater
- 6. Rumi
- 7. Carlos Castaneda
- 8. Goethe
- 9. Gandhi
- 10. Oscar Wilde
- 11. Bhagavad Gita
- 12. Swami Sai Premananda
- 13. Eckhart Tolle
- 14. Buddha
- 15. Lama Surya Das
- 16. Pema Chodron
- 17. Thich Nhat Hanh
- 18. Osho
- 19. Rig Veda
- 20. Max Muller
- 21. Lao Tzu
- 22. Mother Theresa
- 23. Swami Kripalu
- 24. Paramahansa Yogananda
- 25. Swami Vivekananda
- The Final Word on Yoga Quotes on Love
- 1 Yoga Quotes on Love: The List
- 1.1 1. Eckhart Tolle
- 1.2 2. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
- 1.3 3. Gandhi
- 1.4 4. The Dalai Lama
- 1.5 5. Judith Hanson Lasater
- 1.6 6. Rumi
- 1.7 7. Carlos Castaneda
- 1.8 8. Goethe
- 1.9 9. Gandhi
- 1.10 10. Oscar Wilde
- 1.11 11. Bhagavad Gita
- 1.12 12. Swami Sai Premananda
- 1.13 13. Eckhart Tolle
- 1.14 14. Buddha
- 1.15 15. Lama Surya Das
- 1.16 16. Pema Chodron
- 1.17 17. Thich Nhat Hanh
- 1.18 18. Osho
- 1.19 19. Rig Veda
- 1.20 20. Max Muller
- 1.21 21. Lao Tzu
- 1.22 22. Mother Theresa
- 1.23 23. Swami Kripalu
- 1.24 24. Paramahansa Yogananda
- 1.25 25. Swami Vivekananda
- 2 The Final Word on Yoga Quotes on Love
Yoga Quotes on Love: The List
1. Eckhart Tolle
“As soon as you honor the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and ease. When you act out the present-moment awareness, whatever you do becomes imbued with a sense of quality, care, and love – even the most simple action.”

2. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
“Find the love you seek, by first finding the love within yourself. Learn to rest in that place within you that is your true home.”

3. Gandhi
“I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love.”

4. The Dalai Lama
“Every day, think as you wake up, say, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others; to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can.”

5. Judith Hanson Lasater
“Without faith, love is not possible. Without love, life is diminished. Love deeply and with abandon.”

6. Rumi
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built.”

7. Carlos Castaneda
Ask yourself, and yourself alone, one question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn’t, it is of no use.”

8. Goethe
“What is uttered from the heart alone, will win the hearts of others to your own.”

9. Gandhi
“Where there is love, there is life.”

10. Oscar Wilde
“Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.”

11. Bhagavad Gita
“Whichever path you follow will lead to Me in the end. Your love will be returned with My love.”

12. Swami Sai Premananda
“Practice love until you remember that you ARE love.”

13. Eckhart Tolle
“The power of the heart is to be connected with who you are at the deepest level.”

14. Buddha
“In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”

15. Lama Surya Das
“Learning how to love is the goal and the purpose of spiritual life–not learning how to develop psychic powers, not learning how to bow, chant, do yoga, or even meditate, but learning to love. Love is the truth. Love is the light.”

16. Pema Chodron
“You are the sky, everything else is just the weather.”

17. Thich Nhat Hanh
“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.”

18. Osho
“Don’t move the way fear makes you move. Move the way love makes you move. Move the way joy makes you move.”

19. Rig Veda
“Love is the first seed of the Soul.”

20. Max Muller
“A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.”

21. Lao Tzu
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”

22. Mother Theresa
“We do not need guns and bombs to bring peace, we need love and compassion.”

23. Swami Kripalu
“The major characteristic of love is the absence of conflict. When conflict is born and increases daily, true love gradually diminishes. Where conflict finds fault, love sees virtue. When love increases daily, its flower blossoms fully, spreading its sweet fragrance everywhere.”

24. Paramahansa Yogananda
“The love of God, the love of the Spirit, is an all-consuming love. Once you have experienced it, it shall lead you on and on in the eternal realms. That love will never be taken away from your heart. It shall burn there, and in its fire you shall find the great magnetism of Spirit that draws others unto you, and attracts whatsoever you truly need or desire.”

25. Swami Vivekananda
“All things in the universe are of divine origin and deserve to be loved; it has, however, to be borne in mind that the love of the whole includes the love of the parts.”
Check out these yoga quotes on happiness.

The Final Word on Yoga Quotes on Love
When you hold a yoga pose, you need to make sure that you get the most out of each step. Use the quotes to guide you as you go through your breathing patterns. Find a quote that inspires you and think about it as you progress through a yoga workout.
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